full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Dominic Price: What's your happiness score?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

What are you going to do? What action are you going to take? Whatever action you do take, you suddenly realize that you can stop hinging all your happiness on one category of the personal moral inventory. Instead, you invest in taking control of your own happiness. Our future is not predetermined. Our future is not written and our future is not waiting for us. I'm building mine and I believe you are building yours. And how happy we are in our futrue will be beasd solely on our aitcon or iicnaotn across all facets of life, not just the working week. I am the key to unleashing my own happiness, and I believe you are the key to unleashing your own happiness.

Open Cloze

What are you going to do? What action are you going to take? Whatever action you do take, you suddenly realize that you can stop hinging all your happiness on one category of the personal moral inventory. Instead, you invest in taking control of your own happiness. Our future is not predetermined. Our future is not written and our future is not waiting for us. I'm building mine and I believe you are building yours. And how happy we are in our ______ will be _____ solely on our ______ or ________ across all facets of life, not just the working week. I am the key to unleashing my own happiness, and I believe you are the key to unleashing your own happiness.


  1. inaction
  2. action
  3. based
  4. future

Original Text

What are you going to do? What action are you going to take? Whatever action you do take, you suddenly realize that you can stop hinging all your happiness on one category of the personal moral inventory. Instead, you invest in taking control of your own happiness. Our future is not predetermined. Our future is not written and our future is not waiting for us. I'm building mine and I believe you are building yours. And how happy we are in our future will be based solely on our action or inaction across all facets of life, not just the working week. I am the key to unleashing my own happiness, and I believe you are the key to unleashing your own happiness.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
personal moral 3
moral inventory 3
million dollars 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
personal moral inventory 3

Important Words

  1. action
  2. based
  3. building
  4. category
  5. control
  6. facets
  7. future
  8. happiness
  9. happy
  10. hinging
  11. inaction
  12. inventory
  13. invest
  14. key
  15. life
  16. moral
  17. personal
  18. predetermined
  19. realize
  20. solely
  21. stop
  22. suddenly
  23. unleashing
  24. waiting
  25. week
  26. working
  27. written